As well as the routine surgeries we hold a series of special clinics for which attendance is by appointment:
Family Planning:
The nurses offer routine contraception, emergency contraception, and pre-conception advice. Various appointments are available throughout the week.
The nurses provide a full vaccination service for children and those who wish to travel abroad. Polio and Tetanus boosters are recommended for adults. The seasonal Flu vaccine is available in the autumn for all over 65’s and others at risk.
Cervical Cytology:
All women between the ages of 20 and 65 are advised to have a cervical smear test every 3 – 5 years. Various appointments are available for these tests and we advise that you book an appointment when you are mid-cycle.
The clinic is run by Sister Abery on Monday afternoons. If you have asthma you will be asked to attend for medication reviews and check-ups.
The clinic is run by Dr McLaughlin. If you have diabetes you will be asked to attend for medication reviews and check-ups.
Stop Smoking:
The nurses are able to give advice and support to patients trying to give up smoking. Various appointments are available throughout the week.