Managing your health online

Patient Triage

Our Patient triage area provides an online triage and advice tool which helps our patients see the right member of the practice team in an appropriate time-frame based on your clinical need.  Your symptoms will be assessed by one of our clinical team and then if appropriate you will be able to directly book an appointment to suit your needs and/or receive advice relating to what you should do next.

To use our online service simply click on the link below.

The usual methods of contacting the practice are still in place for those patients who may not be able to use a computer or do not have access to one.

Please contact us if you (or someone you care for)

  • have a non-emergency health concern that you need to speak to someone about today;
  • have worrying symptoms that could be a sign of cancer and need investigating;
  • have been contacted about booking cervical and other screening or immunisations;
  • have a complex long-term condition that you need ongoing help with;
  • have a serious mental illness and need support;
  • have a learning disability and need medical help.

For further information on how to use this new system please use the links below.

Patient Guide to Patient Triage

How to submit a non-urgent medical request

How to submit a non-urgent Admin request

Using the NHS app to submit a Patient Triage request

Contacting us is now easier! 3 Quick and simple steps

  1. Click on the 'submit a new request' link opposite
  2. Add your request details
  3. Submit it to us

Your request will be reviewed by the duty doctor, you will receive a same day response.  You will not be asked to call us back.

No registration is required to use this service.  You can submit requests from 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 7:30am to 11:30am Wednesday.


Using your NHS account or SystmOnline

There are other tasks you can do online, like:

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • view your test results
  • see parts of your health record
  • check or cancel appointments
  • see your vaccination record

For these, you can use your NHS account or SystmOnline. You can access them using their websites or apps.

Setting up an NHS account/NHS App

To set up your NHS account for the first time, you will need to set up an NHS login. Read about how to set up NHS login (

Once you have set up your NHS login, you can log in to your NHS account or download the NHS App onto your phone.

Setting up SystmOnline

To set up SystmOnline for the first time:

  • visit the surgery with photo ID so we can confirm your identity
  • we will give you a username and password
  • go to SystmOnline or use the app to register

Sending Pictures/Images to Your GP

With the increased use of online and remote consultations, there may be some occasions where we ask you to send us an image of your area of concern.  To protect both our patients and our team, we adhere to strict guidelines about the request, receipt, storage and deletion of any images we ask you to send us.

By law, we cannot receive any images of sensitive areas of any patients under the age of 18. For patients over the age of 18, the law is different and images can be sent but only with the full consent of the patient.  However, we would usually agree a different method of consultation if this was your area of concern.

You are not permitted to send any images to us without the express request of the clinician and this request will be documented in the medical record, including the type and location of the authorised image.  Any images sent without express permission or that exceed the permission given will be deleted and may be subject to further action.