
We are a Teaching Practice

Kings Medical Centre has been involved in training for many years. Our current involvement is in:

    • Doctors on General Practice training schemes. The main area of our teaching work is with GP trainees. These qualified doctors have done their time in hospitals and are with us to hone their general practice skills. Whilst with us they sit examination for the Royal College of General Practitioners. 
    • First year medical students from St Bartholomew and the London School of Medicine, we teach a weekly group of 6-8 student. The theme is Medicine in Society and covers a wide range of topics from pain through to diabetes and elderly care medicine through to obstetric care. This gives us an opportunity to encourage a patient centred approach early on in these students medical training. These students may sit in on some consultations but generally we seek out suitable patients to be interviewed in the surgery or in patients own home. These interviews are then subject to further discussion. 
    • Final year medical students from both Kings College London and St Bartholomew and the London School of Medicine. These students are at the end of the training and are with us to learn specifically about general practice and put into action their knowledge. They see patients under the supervision of a general practitioner.

However we do require your assistance. How can you help?

    • Be patient with our learners if they appear not to be confident. 
    • Consider volunteering for some of the sessions if approached.
    • Give feedback, both positive and negative about the care you have received from the learners.

In order to be a training practice we are regularly visited and assessed by both Health Education North Central and East London (HENCEL) and Health Education East of England (HEEE). Requirements for accreditation are strict and include areas of patient care that have to keep to a high level.

Dr Lasker and Dr Rebel are GP trainers and Dr Tranmer is shortly to be an associate trainer. 

Any students or doctors in training seeing patients are always under the direct supervision of one of our senior doctors.

Being a training practice brings several benefits to the practice.

    • More doctors and therefore more appointments on offer to patients 
    • Explaining medical practice reminds us of the essentials and encourages us in our work 
    • Keeps us up to date with best practice 
    • Trainees are generally very thorough and knowledgeable
    • Gives us better links with the local hospitals as the trainees have recently worked there